“I suppose as an Artist, I'm still really just an innocent kid. Making up pictures of imaginary characters in fantastic landscapes. These characters that I draw, I can't really say who they are, but I’ve been drawing them for 40 years. They have developed, like me, over time, their personality changed a little by life's many adventures. I like them, they're like friends but in a way also strangers. I watch them come into being and develop. I don't draw with a plan or an idea, I don't even know where they come from, I just get an itch that I need to pick up a pencil. And then I get to work.”



“I suppose I should think a little more about who these characters really are, but the mystery is quite nice. They have a right to be here just like anyone else, without having to try and explain themselves. And maybe that's quite fitting for this wonderful project and a relevant tale of our times, we could all just give each other a little extra space, to just be who we are, without judgment or opinion. As they say, a stranger is just a friend you don't know. Depending on the size of the shutters available, I would adjust the designs slightly to fit perfectly the space, creating a balanced and harmonic composition. I would attempt to tweak the colour pallet to compliment and contrast any surrounding shop details so that the image pops out and is noticed. I will use a combination of painting techniques, some organic brush work, some spray paint, executed with detail and care to create an admirable and outstanding piece.”


