SHUTTERS - Londons Graffiti Legacy

EXHIBITION DATES: 06/11/21 - 02/12/21


COAG, in collaboration with the Camdemonium Collective, unveils a masterful ode to London's vibrant graffiti scene, diving deep into the UK's rich street art tapestry. Originating from the city's repurposed shopfront shutters, The Shutters exhibition masterfully captures the spirit of graffiti.

While the allure of graffiti never fails to enchant passers-by, its true essence often lies veiled. The Camdemonium Collective, birthed from the ingenuity of Perry Vision & Ollie Sylvester — graffiti artists in their own right — founded to champion this art form and share its authentic narrative, away from its popular misperceptions. Aligning with Finn’s vision of promoting a new, authentic and accessible art to the masses ‘Shutters’ was born.

Debuting in 2021, the shutters exhibition showcased the evolution of graffiti artistry, from legendary 1980s trailblazers like Fuel, Kiss 42, Doze, and P.i.C, to today's maestros like 10 foot who paint the town with their vision. Alongside up-and-coming prodigies from WRH, featuring talents like Jet 97 and ESTY. Since, more and more artists have been added to the roster.

Once stigmatised as mere vandalism, graffiti has evolved into the foundation of today's vibrant street art culture. Graffiti is the voice of our cities. Acting as an urban ledger or a tangible reflection of societal dialogues, graffiti chronicles tell the stories of our cities, highlighting both monumental achievements and prevalent challenges. Even if the artists remain shrouded in mystery, their bold statements are the constantly seen but rarely noticed backdrop to our cities.

Not only does it provide a narrative, but Graffiti has also served as a proving ground for countless artists, allowing them to hone their skills, voice dissent, and challenge societal norms. Almost all of today's globally recognised street artists began with simple tags, but through exposure and evolution in the graffiti world, they have transformed public landmarks and shifted public perception, elevating street art into recognised and sought-after masterpieces. In a world dominated by commercial art, graffiti stands proud with its raw authenticity, valuing originality over fleeting trends.

Shutters illuminate’s the world of graffiti and advocates for its preservation and growth, and its role as a proving ground for the next generation and an art form that stands as a testament to a burgeoning global community.